What makes the ‘squeak’ in a squeaky dog toy

Some of you have asked why we decided to point out the difference between dog toys that have squeakers in them and those that don’t. The diagram below shows the different sound elements that can be used in various interactive dog toys.

squeakers dog toys

You’ll also see many of them in most stuffed and soft plush dog toys too. The main thing to note is the size of the squeakers for these dog toys. Depending on the size of your dog, you will want to be careful in choosing the toy that has a noise maker or interactive part. There are a couple of reasons you may choose or not choose a particular interactive toy and that’s to help with our own sanity. If the noise the dog toy makes is too much, too loud, or just plain irritating after a while then I think you might want to stay away from it – even if Charlie thinks it the best! The other and main safety issue is that the noise or squeaker part could be swallowed if your dog likes to pull toys apart. These plastic, and sometimes metal, objects can lodge in the air-ways or intestines of your pet. – We’ve seen it first hand and had more than physical and emotional upset but also a bank account upset!

Anyway, we at DogToyStuffz want you to be informed and knowledgeable about your personal needs and mainly for the safety and consideration towards your puppy or dog. So, we hope our information and experience with a variety of dog and puppy toys will help you make the best decision for your own.