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8 Tips for an Organic and Environmentally Friendly Dog Lifestyle

Considering organic, natural and eco-friendly as a lifestyle is a choice. With so many options, even for our dogs, can cause us to not notice what might make something bad for us or our dogs. Knowledge is always going to be the first step to making better lifestyle choices. At DogToyStuffz we want to share not only our research and knowledge but also give you specific product ideas and choices. We hope this information helps! 1 – Organic Dog Toys – Of organic and eco-friendly concerns, DogToyStuffz is passionate about our dog and puppy toys. Not only can natural and organic dog toys help with pet allergies but, if digested, is a little easier on the body’s system and the...

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Eco-Friendly Dog Toys for a Green Environment

“Going Green” seems to be the talk these days for everyone, everything and every animal! Our dogs are just as concerned with our environment and being eco-friendly as we are. Heck, they tend to be closer to it than we are at times being that they have to do so much outside! So much, lately, have we been talking about having to be eco-friendly but also being economy-friendly too! Solar power, energy efficiency, recycled goods, re-manufactured products, biodegradable items – all of which help the environment but also help our pocket books. At DogToyStuffz we are committed to safety and protection of not only our dogs but everything around them. So, you’ll start to see a lot of additional hand-picked...

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No-squeaker eco-friendly organic dog toy – Sydney’s all time favorite

I can’t believe I found it... my all time favorite dog toy that has no squeaker in it. It’s a little different from the rope ball I found a while ago for my dog Sydney but it sure is close enough – it has an extra rope handle that the original rope ball didn’t have which makes it easier for tossing to my dog – and a little less slobber to come in contact with!! It’s a soft string rope ball dog toy but the rope is untwisted, leaving it more like a big furry, soft blob of a toy. Sydney, my Australian Shepherd (you can read more about her and why we started the DT Stuffz website by going...

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